Modern Basket Foods Co.
Welcome to one of the leading food companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
About Modern Basket
We are Modern Basket Company for Food Trading, proud to provide the best and highest quality food products to our customers throughout the Medina region. We specialize in importing food products at competitive prices and strive to meet our customers’ expectations and provide an exceptional shopping experience.
From a carefully selected range of high-quality food products, we offer a wide variety of products that meet different customer needs. We consider quality and excellence as two fundamental pillars of our business, always striving for continuous improvement through the innovation of new products and the enhancement of our operations.
We broaden the horizons of choice for our customers by providing efficient and fast distribution service, ensuring the safe and timely delivery of products. Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to us, and we work hard to ensure a distinctive shopping experience and complete satisfaction for all our customers.
From a carefully selected range of high-quality food products, we offer a wide variety of products that meet different customer needs. We consider quality and excellence as two fundamental pillars of our business, always striving for continuous improvement through the innovation of new products and the enhancement of our operations.
We broaden the horizons of choice for our customers by providing efficient and fast distribution service, ensuring the safe and timely delivery of products. Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to us, and we work hard to ensure a distinctive shopping experience and complete satisfaction for all our customers.
فروع مبيعات
منتج غذائي
مخازن أغذية
آلاف عميل
Modern Basket In Numbers
Sales Branches
Total Space 2500 M2
Our Values
We consider quality an indispensable element in every aspect of our business. We commit to providing high-quality products that meet the highest standards.
We always strive for excellence and innovation in everything we offer. We understand that continuous development and improvement are the keys to meeting the evolving needs of our customers.
Customers Relationship
We consider our customers as partners in our success. We strive to build relationships based on trust and respect, and we carefully listen to effectively meet their needs.
نعتبر الجودة عنصرًا لا غنى عنه في كل جانب من جوانب عملنا. نتعهد بتقديم منتجات ذات جودة عالية تلبي أعلى المعايير
نسعى دائمًا لتحقيق التميز والابتكار في كل ما نقدمه. نفهم أن التطور والتحسين المستمرين هما المفتاح لتلبية احتياجات عملائنا المتغيرة
الارتباط بالعملاء
نعتبر عملاؤنا شركاء لنا في النجاح. نسعى لبناء علاقات قائمة على الثقة والاحترام، ونستمع بعناية لتلبية احتياجاتهم بشكل فعال
Our Story
Modern Basket Food Company was established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the licenses and regulatory records led by the General Manager, Mr. Nawaf Bin Hilal Al-Rashidi, with a clear and renewed vision, a regulated great mission, solid entrenched values, and governance that enhances disclosure and transparency to the highest standards. Our company embarked on the future, proceeding with deliberate and prudent steps, well-thought-out plans, distinguished organizational procedures, and a specialized team with high expertise, achieving its strategic objectives, by the grace of God.
Our company is not just a food service provider, but it shares excellence, progress, and success with you, offering its services with modern tools and distinctive means, to keep pace with the present and look forward to the future.
Our company is not just a food service provider, but it shares excellence, progress, and success with you, offering its services with modern tools and distinctive means, to keep pace with the present and look forward to the future.
Our Vision
We strive to achieve sustainable leadership in the food trading industry. We are committed to continuously expanding and improving our range of services to be the optimal choice for our customers.
نحن نسعى لتحقيق ريادة مستدامة في صناعة تجارة الأغذية. نحن نسعى جاهدين لتوسيع نطاق خدماتنا وتحسينها باستمرار لنكون الخيار الأمثل لعملائنا.
تأسست شركة السلة الحديثة للأغذية في المملكة العربية السعودية بموجب التراخيص والسجلات المنظمة لها بقيادة المدير العام/ أ. نواف بن هلال الرشيدي، برؤية واضحة متجدّدة، ورسالة عظيمة مقنّنة، وقيم متينة راسخة، وحوكمة تعزّز الإفصاح والشفافية بأعلى معاييرها. انطلقت شركتنا نحو المستقبل، ساعية بخطوات رصينة ورزينة، وخطط متقدمة مدروسة، وإجراءات تنظيمية متميّزة، وفريق عمل متخصص ذو خبرات عالية، محققة بحمد الله أهدافها الاستراتيجية.
شركتنا ليست مجرد خدمات أغذية فحسب، بل هي تشارككم التميز والتقدم والنجاح، وتقدّم خدماتها بأدوات حديثة ووسائل مميزة، لتواكب الحاضر وتتطلع للمستقبل.
شركتنا ليست مجرد خدمات أغذية فحسب، بل هي تشارككم التميز والتقدم والنجاح، وتقدّم خدماتها بأدوات حديثة ووسائل مميزة، لتواكب الحاضر وتتطلع للمستقبل.
Our Products
اللحوم والدواجن
الأطعمة المجمدة
المياه والمشروبات
الأطعمة الأساسية
الوجبات الخفيفة
Meat & Poultry
Frozen Foods
Water & Drinks
Dairy Products
Essential Foods
If you’re looking for a reliable partner and a unique shopping experience, we’re here to serve you. Contact us for more information or to place orders. We look forward to serving you at Modern Basket Food Trading, where quality meets diversity
Our Management
We make a difference through business privatization and investing in human resources.
General Management
Legal Management
Financial Management
Human Resources Management
Support Services Management
Our Warehouses
The warehouses of Modern Basket Company stand out in providing an abundance of high-quality products. With 5 warehouses covering dry, refrigerated, and frozen foods, customers are ensured ample variety and choice. Quality and freshness are meticulously controlled to ensure customer satisfaction and deliver an exceptional shopping experience
فروع مبيعات
منتج غذائي
مخازن أغذية
آلاف عميل
نصنع الفرق عبر خصخصة الأعمال واستثمار الموارد البشرية
الإدارة العامة
الإدارة القانونية
الإدارة المالية
إدارة الموارد البشرية
إدارة الخدمات المساندة
Our Customers
The trust of our success partners in us is a support for us to provide quality services according to the best standards
We have the best suppliers who provide the finest products
اللحوم والدواجن
اللحوم والدواجن
اللحوم والدواجن
Contact Us
General Management